
What are the Top Countries with the Most Known Use of Anabolic Steroids 

 March 7, 2023

By  Mickey

This is not the first time you’ve heard of anabolic steroids. They are substances usually used by athletes to achieve top performance.

However, the effects of anabolic steroid substances are linked to numerous health issues. While they have legitimate medical use, people, more often than not, use them for non-medical purposes. Some even use them for recreational purposes. This abuse and misuse of steroids is a growing public health problem globally. 

Many countries have banned their use in various competitive sports and have made some controlled substances. Unfortunately, even average non-athletes can still lay their hands on a prescription steroid without a prescription.

In this article, we will examine which countries use the most steroids and their implications on public health.

The United States of America (USA)

People in the United States started using steroids back in 1958. That's when John Ziegler made a steroid called Dianabol. In 1959, he gave it to Bill March, who was the US weightlifting champion at the time. That's how steroids became a part of American sports.

Over time, more elite athletes began to dope on these performance-enhancing drugs. However, the number of non-athletic anabolic androgenic steroid users rose in the 1980s. 

Currently, the USA is home to the largest steroid users globally. The National Institute on Drug Abuse did a survey in 2019. They asked 10th and 12th-grade kids if they had used steroids in the past year. About 0.5% of 8th graders, 0.9% of 10th graders, and 1.0% of 12th graders said they did.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2017 also recorded that about 3.3 million Americans had used anabolic-androgenic steroids at some point. A 2016 study also reported that 54% of male bodybuilders admitted to non-medical use of anabolic steroids. 

Anabolic steroid use has since been made illegal in the US by the anabolic steroid control act in 1990 after two years of congressional back and forth. Anabolic steroids can have harmful effects on athletes and people who use them, even though they might see positive results like muscle growth and muscle strength. We shouldn't ignore the dangerous side effects these steroids tend to cause.

The United Kingdom (UK)

One could say the United Kingdom has a steroid epidemic. In recent years, more of the population have used anabolic steroids for cosmetic purposes. This is steroid misuse, and it is also with a disregard for the lethal side effects these substances pose. 

From 2010 to 2016, the number of people who went to the hospital because of problems caused by steroids went up a lot - by 645%! This rise is closely linked with the increased interest among males trying to keep up with social media body standards.

Besides the direct health impact of steroid use in the UK, it is also associated with a high risk of HIV and hepatitis B and C due to poor injection practices.

According to a survey in 2020, 0.8% of adults in England and Wales reported using illicit steroids in the past year. Among men aged 16-24, the prevalence was higher, with 2.8% reporting use in the past year. 


There is a societal body image expectation in Australia. This has influenced many Australians to attend the gym to attain well-crafted physiques. However, after endless workout sessions, the results could be slow and barely visible.

This need for immediate results has prompted anabolic-androgenic steroid use among bodybuilding enthusiasts. A study from 2011 looked at kids in high school in Australia. Lifetime AAS use was reported by 2.4% of 12-17-year-old students; use was more common among 12-15-year olds than 16-17-year olds.

Another study from 2016 asked young people in Australia if they've used doping substances. About 0.5% of all the young people said they had used steroids for non-medical reasons in the past year. Also, most people who misuse steroids are male and aged 18-34. 


As in most countries, steroids are classified as a controlled substance in Canada. Despite this, it is still very obtainable in underground stores. Some even procure it online. Anabolic steroid users tend to be competitive athletes and bodybuilding enthusiasts. There is also an increased number of reported cases of recreational use of anabolic-androgenic steroids.

A 2011 survey of Ontario students in grades 7 to 12 reported that 1.2 percent had used anabolic steroids at least once. A 2004 survey of Canadians (aged 15+) reported that 0.6 percent had used anabolic steroids at least once.

Another report by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) found that the number of steroid seizures in Canada increased by 55% between 2012 and 2016. Most of these seizures were related to online steroid purchases from overseas sources.

Anabolic steroid users must be aware of these drugs' dangers to their health. Also, possession, trafficking, and import/export of steroids are criminal offenses in Canada, and those found guilty can face significant fines and jail time. If your body's legal system does not catch you, you could still be caught by your country.


The use of steroids in Russia has a long history. Soviet athletes reportedly used steroids as early as the 1950s.

Russia also had the highest number of doping violations among all countries between 2011 and 2015 in the Olympic games. More than 1000 athletes were found guilty of doping during this period, according to an article by the Washington Post. They were, of course, stripped of their Olympic medals.

In 2019, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) banned Russia from participating in international competitions. This ban was due to widespread doping violations. 

Not just athletes but many regular people in Russia also take steroids to look better. It's important to note that using steroids in Russia, as in any other country, can seriously affect your health.

Other Countries with High General Population Rates of Steroid Use

Other countries with high rates of steroid use among their general population include Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Spain, and France.

  • In Brazil, steroid use is prevalent among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. According to a 2014 study, nearly 26.8% of men in Brazil reported using steroids at least once in their lifetime. The study also found that steroid use was more common among aspiring athletes.
  • In Germany, a 2016 survey found that nearly 1% of the general population reported using steroids in the past year. 
  • In Mexico, a 2015 study found that 1.7% of the general population reported using steroids at least once in their lifetime. It was more common among individuals who reported engaging in high-risk behaviors.
  • In Spain, a 2015 survey found that 0.9% of the general population reported using steroids in the past year. 
  • In France, a 2014 survey found that 0.5% of the general population reported using steroids in the past year. The study found that steroid use was more common among men who reported engaging in physical activity.

Most Commonly Used Steroids

The most popular steroids around the world are testosterone, nandrolone, stanozolol, and methandrostenolone. Each of these steroids has different strengths and weaknesses. People may also mix them with other drugs to make them even more effective. 

Steroid Use Among Women

Steroid use among women is much less common than among men. But some still use them to get bigger muscles and do better in sports. Here are some numbers on steroids use in women:

  • It is estimated that 0.3% of Canadian females aged 15 to 24 reported using steroids at least once in their lifetime.

  • A study published in the Journal of Women's Health in 2019 found that among female weightlifters, 5.7% reported using steroids in the past year.

  • A study from 2017 asked high school students in America if they've ever used steroids. Out of all the girls who answered, 2.5% said yes.

  • The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) looked at how many girls in America used steroids in 2019. Out of all the girls in 8th, 10th, and 12th grade, about 0.3% said they had used steroids in the past year.

It's important to note that using steroids, especially without medical supervision, can have serious health consequences for women.


Steroid use is a growing problem worldwide. More countries report high use rates among athletes, bodybuilders, and recreational users. There is also a proportional rise in steroid-related health issues in these countries. It's important for policymakers, doctors, and everyone to know about steroids and how they affect public health. If we can solve the problem of steroid misuse, we can reduce its impact on public health.


  1. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/anabolic-steroids
  2. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/drug-misuse-findings-from-the-2019-to-2020-csew
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24832911/
  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20619732/
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5907175/
  6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/olympics/2022/02/11/russia-olympics-doping-scandal/
  7. https://www.camh.ca/en/health-info/mental-illness-and-addiction-index/steroids


I believe in the power of the iron and the discipline it takes to sculpt a strong, muscular physique. I stay ahead of the game by constantly educating myself on the latest research in the field of nutrition and exercise science. I know that a well-rounded approach to fitness is key to achieving real, sustainable results. And I bring that expertise to the table for every guy who reads my posts.

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